1. Welcome to Dynamicweb setup guide!

This guide will help you set up Dynamicweb for the first time.

  • Create files repository
  • Setup database
  • Set administrator password

Read the installation guide at https://doc.dynamicweb.com/

2. Create files repository

Your /Files is set up and ready to use...

This step will help setting up a files repository for storing images, documents and other files.

Create or attach /Files
I.e: c:\projects\dynamicweb\mysolution.dynamicweb-cms.com\files

3. Setup database

Your database is set up and ready to use...

Set up database to use or install a new Dynamicweb database.

Before you can complete this step, you need a blank database or an existing Dynamicweb database.

Choose your database type

Connection settings

Server I.e: tcp:w99echxnd1.database.windows.net,1433 I.e: localhost\SQLEXPRESS
Connection string
Server=myServerAddress;Database=myDataBase;User Id=myUsername;Password=myPassword;

4. Configure administrator

Specify a username and password for the administrator account.

User information

User name
Confirm password

5. Congratulations!

Setup is completed. Your Dynamicweb installation is now setup and ready to make awesome websites and Ecommerce solutions.

You are now ready to go. Click the button to start the administration of Dynamicweb and login with the user just created.